Self-learning at a glance

No extra cost

Included in your benefits

Available on app

Use it anywhere


Easy to browse

Available 24/7

Access it anytime

Learn something new to improve your life

Gain insight from top writers and experts through knowledge hacks—bite-sized life lessons to support your personal growth. Learn a new skill or enjoy interesting stories and ideas. Use Self-learning during a coffee break, in line at the grocery store or anywhere you are.


A range of learning topics

Get knowledge hacks on many topics including investing, relationships, parenting, mindfulness and careers.

Key insights

Each knowledge hack includes three key insights and actionable ways you can apply them to your life.

A choice of learning styles

Read, watch or listen. Enjoy your hack in either text, story or audio mode.


Getting started is easy

Self-learning is available on the Uptime app. Just download it, sign up and start learning! It’s available at no cost to you. 

Details about your Self-learning by Uptime benefit

Self-learning is available to you at no extra cost as part of your Employee Assistance Program benefits. Self-learning by Uptime should not be used for urgent care needs. If you or a loved one is having a mental health crisis, call or text 988 to connect with the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. If you are experiencing a crisis or need emergency care, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

The information contained within Self-learning is for educational purposes only; it is not intended to diagnose problems or provide treatment and should not be used on its own as a substitute for care from a provider. Self-learning is available to members ages 13+ at no additional cost. Participation in the program is voluntary and subject to the Self-learning by Uptime terms of use.

Do you need help now?

If you or a loved one is having a mental health crisis, call or text 988 to connect
with the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. If you are experiencing an immediate,
life-threatening emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.